Thursday, August 5, 2010

The power of the band

Silicone wristbands, more popularly known as the awareness bracelets have become a way to express loyalty to a cause or belongingness to a community. My personal favorites are Lance Armstrong's LiveStrong bands and these.

One day over lunch, one thing led to another and a new band idea was born. We all mortals, at some point in time are on the usual diet control regimen imposed on us by self/doctor. So at any given place, the number of people on a diet is mostly huge enough to form a local support system and in moments of temptation and weakness, all diet-ers could use a little push or some may even do better with the feeling of being watched over.

A lot is possible with 'I am on a diet' bands! Imagine the Subway guy at the office cafeteria regulating the mayo on your sub taking a hint from your wrist band. Or picture an onlooker giving you a kind look to back you fight the chocolate bar at the supermarket. I know fellow foodies understand what I am trying to say.

I thought I should establish our IPR on this idea ASAP. In all its humour, due credit also goes to my friends Dhruv and Suhas.  

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